Classroom Teaching

The Trust

Trusts exist to advance education for the public good.  

In Trusts, the purpose of governance is to provide:

  • Strategic leadership;
  • Accountability and assurance;
  • Strategic engagement.

The Trust Board has collective accountability and strategic responsibility for the Trust. The Trust Board is responsible for ensuring its schools and colleges deliver excellent education, and that the Trust has effective financial management and remains compliant with its charitable objects, funding agreements, and all regulatory, contractual and statutory requirements.

The Trust Board has ultimate responsibility for all governance matters, in accordance with its Articles of Association, however it delegates responsibilities to Committees in accordance with governance structure below and its governance documents and policies:

The Trust Board determines the membership of each Committee and Academy Council, based on the skillsets required by the Committee or Academy Council and the skillsets held by the individual.

Key Policies

Governance Meetings

The Trust Board meetings, Committee meetings and Academy Council meetings are run as hybrid meetings (i.e. with the option for virtual or physical attendance), with papers are circulated in advance (seven days prior) by the Governance Professional. Members meetings are also run as hybrid meetings with papers circulated (14 days prior). The Trust’s schedule of meetings and minutes of previous meetings can be found here. Papers and minutes are stored and available on GovernorHub. 

Twice a year (in January and May), everyone involved in governance comes together for a Strategic Conference to discuss the strategy for the respective institutions and the Group overall. 

In addition to governance and strategy meetings, everyone involved in governance is expected to participate in induction meetings (when new in post) and training sessions (throughout their term of office) to keep up to date with the latest information, guidance and best practice. 

Key Information

Role Descriptors

Terms of Reference

While the Trust has ultimate responsibility for all governance matters, in accordance with its Articles of Association it may delegate certain responsibilities. Detailed information on how the Trust delegates its responsibilities; the roles of Members, Trustees, Committee members, Executive and the terms of reference of the Board and its Committees can be found in the Trust’s Standing Orders and Scheme of Delegation.

Financial Information


The Trust keeps a register of relevant business and financial interests of governance members and senior employees. The registers of governance members are below:

Eastern Education Group Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 09702333.  The registered office is at West Suffolk College, Out Risbygate, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3RL