Apply now
Applying for a study programme with Eastern Education Group is simple. Just follow the steps below to apply for your chosen course type. Alternatively contact us for more information or if you need any help applying.
What happens next?
Decided you would like to study at an Eastern Education Group college? If applying for multiple sites please apply individually to the respective college.
Visit our website and find the course you are interested in studying.
Click “Apply for this course” and submit your application.
Visit our online admissions portal to register and then submit your application.
Visit our online admissions portal to register and then submit your application.
1. Complete your application online
You will need to set up log in details when submitting your application. Keep these safe as you will need them later in the application process
2. Attend your interview
Once you have completed your application we will invite you in for an informal interview.
3. Receive an offer
Once you have attended your interview you will receive an update on your application including confirmation of any offers we have made
4. Attend our Taster Day
You will receive an invite to a Taster Day at the end of June/start of July. You will have the opportunity to find out more about your chosen programme of study and also meet other students who will be on your programme of study
5. Complete your Enrolment
Complete your enrolment online through the application system you used to apply. A detailed guide will be sent to you at the start of July. You enrolment must be completed on GCSE Results Day
6. Attend your Induction
Attend your induction session where you will receive your student ID Badge, your IT log in details and your timetable. This is your first day studying with us.
7. Start attending lessons
Lessons start early September following your induction
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